Prelude Homes & Services
Welcome to your
new beginning!
Beginning or End?
At Prelude, we believe that a move to a dementia care home can be a positive beginning for both residents and their families.
Each day we align in hope with families on a tough journey. Often we witness a resident denied admission elsewhere find peace at Prelude. Growing great teammates is part of our mission. We cheer on our staff as they exercise and grow the talents God has uniquely poured into them.
As people of faith, the idea of new beginnings has special meaning. Click the button to learn more about our story and how our faith affects our operations.
Prelude Locations
Through a program of care focusing on engagement and empowerment, Prelude Homes & Services Cottages meet the unique needs of individuals with memory loss, providing them with a home environment where they are known by those who are caring for their needs.
Each of our Prelude Cottage locations consist of three individual households, two of which are traditional with both men and women living in the home.